Hello and welcome to Flotsam Recovery Service!

Please read through this web guide for an introduction to how our service works. This page should be comprehensive enough to walk you through the steps of getting connected to our infrastructure and how the process of salvaging with us works.

Ship fittings

Before you can salvage, you’ll need a properly-fitted ship. You are free to fit your own, or you may get inspiration from our Corporation Fittings, located in your Fittings tab on the Neocom. From there, head to the Browser, select "Browse", and choose "Corporation Fittings" from the dropdown menu.

If you are in need of help paying for fittings, please reach out. We’re happy to assist. We also keep a stock of free fittings in the Fittings hangar at our office in Dodixie.

Folders and bookmarks

Please ensure you join our public channel - Flotsam Recovery - where we communicate with our clients. You can join this channel by clicking the "+" icon in your chat window. Type in Flotsam Recovery and click "Join".

From there, please head to the Corporations tab on your Neocom, then "My Corporation". Next, click "Bulletins". You’ll find a list of shared bookmark folders there. These folders will have the coords for our wrecks. To access a folder, right-click it and hit "Connect". You don’t need to click all of them right away. You can connect to folders as you meet clients.

Head to your Locations tab (default shortcut: "L" key) to view Shared Folders. Once connected to a folder, you can see its updates by right-clicking and selecting "Online folder". Please be aware that EVE only allows three folders to be "Online" at once, so you can set folders not in use to "Offline" by right-clicking them again.

Please be careful to never delete client folders! If you accidentally disconnect from a client folder, you may reconnect to it from the Bulletins.


If you’re available to take on some work, it’s a good idea to say hello in the Flotsam Recovery channel and let your presence be known! Offer up your availability and see if anyone has any work for you. If not, no worries. Take your time to keep busy until a job rolls in.

After accepting a salvage assignment, set the client folder "Online" to access their wrecks. Head to the wreck sites, use your Salvagers on the damaged ships, and take any loot. When you complete a site, remove the bookmark from the folder by right-clicking the bookmark and hitting "Remove". Remember to remove the location from the list only after it’s completely cleared, just in case you need to dock to make room in your cargohold. Please be careful: it’s important not to remove the folder under normal circumstances! Only the individual work sites.

Keep in mind that wrecks expire after about two hours, so prioritize completing them in the order they are added chronologically.

Sometimes clients may forget to abandon their wrecks. When this happens, ships and loot appear yellow. If you encounter a yellow site, offer the client a chance to abandon the site or offer to remove it from the folder and move on. Do not attempt to loot from yellow cans, or else you will be marked a suspect.


Once you’ve completed work for a client - whether that’s one site or many - it’s time to pay them! Gather all the salvage AND loot from their wrecks into one inventory window, making sure not to mix in your personal equipment. At the bottom left of the inventory window, you will see a line that says, “<x>` ISK Est. Price". The value of "`<x>” is what we consider to be the estimated value that payouts are based on. Calculate 45%-50% of this value, which is the amount you’ll be sending to the client. Send the ISK over to them, and there you have it - a successful salvage!

Please try to pay folks as soon as possible. If you don’t have enough ISK to send the client, reach out to the corp for help.

Salvage Buyback Program

Please consider using our buyback program if you might prefer to sell your salvage and loot directly to the corporation instead of dealing with market orders. At our office corp hangar, you’ll find the division labeled 7th Division - Salvage - Drops. Each member has a designated container labeled with their name. Simply deposit salvage components and loot into your crate. Please note, this is a one-way drop without elevated permissions. Take care to sort items before depositing them. In the event of mistakenly placing something important in the salvage drop, reach out via EVE Mail to Marron Talie-Kuo for assistance.

Buyback rates

Item Buyback rate

Tier 1 (Orange) Salvage

65% of est. value

Tier 2 (Blue) Salvage

75% of est. value


50% of est. value


65% of est. value

The FLOTS Operations Council

Flotsam Recovery Service is structured as a democratic worker’s co-operative. We navigate decisions as a voluntary council and elect representatives and managers of corp interests.

If intra-corp politics interest you (either now or later), please consider joining our mailing list, FLOTS Operations Council. Simply navigate to your Mail tab, click "Add Mailing list", search for FLOTS Operations Council, and "Join". This is where upcoming decisions and election news will be sent, so that less interested members of the corp do not receive what they may consider to be spammy letters. If you’re not interested or the responsibility seems like too much right now, that’s perfectly fine. Council membership is completely voluntary and we will not urge you to join at any point.

Detailed information on the Council and the organizational structure of Flotsam Recovery Service will be made available soon.

FLOTS Departments - Special interest opportunities

In addition to our salvaging services, Flotsam Recovery Service is internally split into two special departments. These are our Administrative Department and Manufacturing Department. If these sound interesting to you, please send an EVE Mail to Marron Talie-Kuo. Positions in these departments may be joined and vacated freely.

All of the folks above will be happy and capable to answer any questions and help you out!


Communication channels

  • Discord server (joining is not mandatory, but welcome)

  • Public EVE channel: Flotsam Recovery

Finally, a little customer service goes a long way. Please try to remember to be polite and cordial to our clients, as well as your corpmates.


  • Q: "What do I do with the salvage and loot?"

    • A: This is up to you. You are welcome to keep it for your own use, sell it on the market, or you may use our buyback program.

  • Q: "Do I have to split any of the ISK with the corp?"

    • A: At the moment, no. The corp has a 2% tax on mission payouts, but it does not require any of your earnings from salvaging.

  • Q: "Where do you need me to work? Where are our jobs usually at?"

    • A: While we receive most of our work in Gallente space around Dodixie, salvagers are not tied down anywhere. If you find most jobs are too far from you, you are welcome to tactfully advertise our service in Local. Be sure to link to the public chat if you do this, and do not spam or be a nuisance!

Any more questions? Please send an EVE Mail to any of our HR Managers or Marron Talie-Kuo.